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General  Information

The fourth global iSummit was held in Sapporo, Japan from 29 July to 1 August, 2008. iCommons in association with Digital Garage, Creative Commons Japan and the City of Sapporo brought together pioneers of the free Internet from 40 countries around the world.

Inspired by Japanese innovation and hosted in a city fast becoming recognised for its modern, creative, technology-orientated approach to business and public initiatives - this year's iSummit was a ground-breaking event that showcased pioneering approaches to furthering digital culture around the world.

About the Summit

Executive Director of iCommons, Heather Ford, writes about her vision for the event in Sapporo.

About Sapporo

Find out more about the 'ideas city' and the support provided by the City of Sapporo.

Second Life at the iSummit

At this year's iSummit a parallel event was held in Second Life featuring musical performances, live keynotes and competitions.


These pages feature press materials and resources, and online media coverage of the event.