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Check out our updated programme pages

Daniela Faris | South Africa | Open Business, Local Context Global Commons, DIY video, Open Education, Open Research workshop, Frontiers of Openness
June 4, 2008 2:22 PM
577354160_1bec0795f5_m.jpgJames Cairns and the iSummit lab leaders are hard at work finalising the iSummit programme, with the first draft due to be released on Monday 9 June. In the meantime, we've spruced up the programme page on the iSummit website to give you a sneak peak at what will be happening during the event.
Go to the programme page where you'll find a long list of keynotes giving an overview of the inspiring addresses they will be presenting. We are proud to introduce some new faces to the iSummit keynoters, including South African, Adam Haupt who will speak about 'Copyright and the colonial inheritance: the politics of IP and the politics of ID' and Johanna Blakley who will speak on 'Fashion and the Commons.'
The Lab pages have also been updated to reflect the running order of the day more clearly - giving a breakdown of what will be happening in all the sessions of the Labs. There are some goodies such as the Open Business Lab Open Consultation session - where entrepreneurs can present their open business ideas to seasoned commons veterans for advice and to test the Open Business checklist. Another highlight will be the session in the DIY Video lab where open video as a tool for activism and social change will be discussed. There's loads more info on the Lab pages.
Also find out more about the social aspects of the event, including the Japanese culture programme that will give us a taste of Japan by featuring a calligraphy workshop and a traditional tea ceremony.
We hope that this will whet your appetite for the open sharing, innovation and workshopping that will take place in Sapporo, and don't forget to look out for the detailed programme on 9 June!

Pic: Love and Peace at the iSummit, by , CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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