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Hit artist to release song under CC at iSummit in Second Life

Daniela Faris | Second Life | Announcements, Press
July 29, 2008 12:18 AM
eddieguitar.jpgConcert at the Second Life edition of iSummit will introduce the keynotes, and signal the adoption of Creative Commons licenses by hit artist EddieGuitar Dagger

The Second Life edition of iSummit keeps getting richer, and richer, with exclusive events, and opportunities for Second Life residents to mix up, and have fun, while attending interesting speeches, and conversations about the global Digital Culture.

The inaugural concert by Eddie Santillo, aka EddieGuitar Dagger, on July 29, at 4PM on Japan Sapporo island in Second Life, will preceed the keynote speeches at the iSummit conference.

At his concert, Eddie will announce the release of his song "Il volo" ("The Flight"), chosen by his fans from the album "I racconti del marianio Appleford" ("Tales of Appeford, the sailor"), under a liberal Creative Commons Attribution license. This license enables the free, and legal copying, and remixing of the song, as long as attribution is given to Eddie Santillo, the original composer. Those interested in the song, or in creating derivative works can find "Il volo" on the Archive.org permanent archival site.

About Eddie Santillo, aka EddieGuitar Dagger

Eddie Santillo was born in 1969 in Milan, Italy, and has been a Second Life musician with his avatar EddieGuitar Dagger since 2007. In September 2007 Eddie built Musa Music & Arts, a land for artists who want to express themselves, in any kind of art, using new technology. Starting January 2008, EddieGuitar started a tour to promote his album "I racconti del marianio Appleford" ("Tales of Appeford, the sailor") in Second Life, performing at SL5B, Second Life's Fifth Birthday Party, and at the 2008 Virtual Music Awards.

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