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Paul Jacobson

Open Business: Asking questions

The goal of this session was to further the effort to develop an actionable
Sapporo | July 31, 2008 7:50 AM | Paul Jacobson

Open Education: legal issues beyond content licensing

This session was focused on practical and legal issues that apply to and impact
Sapporo | July 31, 2008 7:07 AM | Paul Jacobson

Meet the Open Education projects at the iSummit '08

Participants in the Open Education project review session began with introductions including their horoscope signs
Sapporo | July 30, 2008 1:15 PM | Paul Jacobson

Four Perspectives on Free Culture

The first speaker of the Research Workshop on Free Culture was Herkko Hietanen from the
Sapporo | July 30, 2008 12:10 PM | Paul Jacobson

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