If you are an iCommons enthusiast who couldn't make it to the iSummit in Sapporo this year, or if you did attend the event but couldn't make it to all the sessions due to the busy programme - the good news is that there are a few ways to catch up on the highlights from Japan. You can WATCH, READ and LISTEN - here's how:
Videos of the keynote addresses will be released weekly, starting 10 September. They will be released on this website, and the as well as on Dotsub and other video sharing sites.
There will also be three feature videos released after the event. An iSummit highlights video will be released by early October, along with a Local Context Global Commons video which will feature the project that is a partnership between organisations in Brazil, South Africa and India, and which culminated in this year's lab. In association with APC, a video called Nailing the Commons will be released by mid-September, see two 'preview' clips from this video here.
Go through our blog archive to read the articles written by our team of reporters on various lab sessions.
This year we also had an official live blogger who used Cover It Live to document certain key sessions. You can read the transcripts of these live blogs, and be sure to look at the photographs of the workshops that our live blogger included to depict what was happening during the workshops.
We've also created a with the majority of the keynote presenters' slides, as well as presentations that were conducted in the labs. Take a look and if you did a presentation at the event, please share your slides .
The iCommons wiki was used to document the finer details of every lab's session, as participants in the lab took notes of the discussions. To take a look at these notes, click here.
During the event we released a daily podcast that featured interviews about the cultural and entertainment-related events at the summit. The three podcasts feature reports from the lab leaders, an interview with the creator of the iSummit '08 logo who explained more about the Ainu design and people, the plans for the iSummit in Second Life and much more. To download or subscribe to the feed, click here. There are more audio interviews with some keynote speakers, here.
If you were at the event, in the spirit of sharing, please tag all of your digital content online (your blogs, videos and photos) as '', especially your photos, which will appear on the Flickr stream on the front page of the website.
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Join our online groups and keep up to date with news from the people who attended the iSummit '08.
Meet up with iSummit attendees here:
Pic: Connecting Second Life with Real life, by , CC BY-SA 2.0