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CCi legal day


At the 2007 iCommons iSummit in Dubrovnik, a separate CCi legal day was held on 14 June, to give Creative Commons project leads and teams the opportunity to discuss legal issues and international aspects of the Creative Commons licences. The 2007 agenda included topics such as Version 3.0, international private law, statistics, and the global growth of Creative Commons, as well as a session about future versioning and strategies. Furthermore, David Uwemedimo, Director of Legal Affairs at CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) joined the conversation about collecting societies.

At the iSummit '08 in Sapporo, Creative Commons will again invite its international network of project leads and teams to participate in a workshop about the legal and international aspects of the Creative Commons licences. This special meeting will be held on 29 July, one day ahead of the actual iSummit events. With the increasing growth of Creative Commons worldwide, a structured discussion about policies, legal issues, and questions about interoperability will prove both necessary and fruitful.

We hope that the CCi legal day in Sapporo will build upon the initiative that began in Rio de Janeiro and continued in Dubrovnik, and that the event will help set the stage for further detailed collaboration on questions about the international Creative Commons licensing suite.

To find out more about the draft programme for the CCi legal day, visit this wiki page.

Pic: CC BY-ND x2, by , CC BY-NC 2.0