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iSummit '08 Podcast: Day 3

Simon Dingle | Sapporo | Podcasts
August 1, 2008 3:47 PM
2722480900_5492163862_m.jpgIn our final podcast recorded at the iSummit 2008 in Sapporo, Japan, we:

  • Speak to David Evan Harris, founder and executive director of Global Lives.
  • Hear from summit attendees about their thoughts on the event.
  • Listen to music from Takeru Ishikawa.
  • Catch up with our lab leaders for reviews of their track sessions.
  • Speak to Heather Ford for a round up of iSummit '08.
A big thank you to everyone who made the iSummit 08 podcast a reality. Stay subscribed to our RSS feed as the iCommons team plans for next year's event and continues to provide podcast updates.

Direct file download (16MB): _3.mp3

iCommons Podcast RSS feed.

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