Home > Participants > Facilitators


Open business

Lanon Carl Prigge

Open business
South Africa

Lanon Carl Prigge is a creator of several original self-development tools and techniques, a...

James Cairns

Open business
South Africa

James Cairns is freelance writer, facilitator and actor based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He...

Local Context Global Commons: Open Publishing

Jessica Coates

Local Context Global Commons: Open Publishing

Jessica Coates is the Project Manager of the Creative Commons Clinic, a programme of the...


Rebecca Kahn

Local Context Global Commons: Open Publishing

Rebecca Kahn is iCommons' researcher and writer, and co-ordinator of the Local Context Global Commons...


DIY video

Anna Berthold

DIY video

Anna's primary interests centres around the ability of new media technology to foster cross-cultural exchange...


David Evan Harris

DIY video

David Evan Harris is the Executive Director of the Global Lives Project and a Research...


Education Policy and Practice in a New Century: Implementing what Works

Delia Browne

Education Policy and Practice in a New Century: Implementing what Works

Delia Browne is an extremely experienced intellectual property lawyer. Prior to her role as the...


Ahrash Bissell

Education Policy and Practice in a New Century: Implementing what Works

Ahrash Bissell is the Executive Director of CCLearn. He came to CC from Duke...


Frontiers of Openness in Japan

Dominick Chen

Frontiers of Openness in Japan

Dominick Chen is the public lead of Creative Commons Japan. He is the JSPS Fellow...

Dominick Chen_ccjp.jpg

Research workshop on Free Culture

Tyng-Ruey Chuang

Research workshop on Free Culture

Tyng-Ruey Chuang is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica,...


Giorgos Cheliotis

Research workshop on Free Culture

Giorgos Cheliotis is an Assistant Professor of Communications and New Media at the National University...

