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Meet our Friends

We thank the following individuals and organisations for showing their support for the iSummit '08:


24:7.jpg 24/7 DIY Video Summit     global lives big logo.jpg Global Lives Project
IPJ-Logo1.jpg IP Justice     media studio.jpg UNU Media Studio
ORG_logo.jpg Open Rights Group     norman_lear_centre.jpg The Norman Lear Center
iosn.jpg UNDP-APDIP International Open Source Network     gv_logo_sm2.jpg Global Voices Online
sc_university.jpg Sapporo City University     pb_logo.jpg Pratham Books
overmundo_06.jpg Overmundo
    FGV_brazil.jpg Fundacao Getulio Vargas
KEI.jpg Knowledge Ecology International
    the daily english show.jpg The Daily English Show
alf.jpg Alternative Law Forum     FreeCourseWare_Logo_Black.jpg Free Courseware Project, University of the Western Cape
apc.jpg Association for Progressive Communications     cc.logo_105.jpg Creative Commons
Wikia_105.jpg Wikia     clc.jpg Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre
cc_br.jpg Creative Commons Brazil     cc_ec.jpg Creative Commons Ecuador
miniLOGO.jpg Tri-B    


Kiruba Shankar

Organiser CC Salon, Chennai and Member, CC India.

    logo.png Simon Dingle

Tech journalist and producer of the ZA Tech Show podcast

implicit art.jpg Nathaniel Stern

iSummit '06 and '07 artist in residence

    sharing_nicely.jpg Philipp Schmidt

University of the Western Cape and United Nations University MERIT

hunter_of_genius.jpg Maximillian Kaizen


    marketing_geek.jpg Dave Duarte


golden_swamp.jpg Judy Breck
    logoAK1.jpg Enrique Arrieta-Noguera

President of The Internet Society - Colombian Chapter

dressaday.jpg Erin McKean
A Dress a Day and iSummit keynote speaker