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iCommons is proud to announce the iSummit '08 in Second Life

Daniela Faris | Second Life | Press
July 21, 2008 5:22 PM
2472733171_fcef051351_m.jpgThis year, the iSummit '08 takes place in Sapporo, Japan and is complemented by a parallel series of events in Second Life on Japan Sapporo island, which takes advantage of the virtual world's characteristics of bridging space, and time.

With iCommons' annual iSummit quickly approaching, the preparations are being finalised on Japan Sapporo island in Second Life as well. Following on the success of the Second Life edition of iSummit '07, the 2008 edition of the event strengthens its presence with the development of an entire island dedicated to the City of Sapporo, representing its culture, and values, and giving breathing space to the residents who want to get involved with the conference. Please click on the following slurl to visit the island: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Japan%20Sapporo/128/160/22/.

The iSummit '08 in Second Life is coordinated by David Orban, aka Davidorban Agnon, a long term resident, and virtual worlds visionary. "Free culture can flourish in online worlds, where the digital expression finds home in a social, and collaborative environment, which reverberates with true human emotion," said David Orban during the preparations of iSummit '08. "To celebrate the iSummit, we will launch a contest among Second Life residents to build a dynamic, interactive three-dimensional version of the iSummit logo, one which will best represent the iSummit's values in the online worlds," he added.

One of the first series of events for iSummit '08 in Second Life will be the streaming of the keynote speeches from Sapporo, and the delivery of Jimmy Wales' keynote within Second Life, transmitted simultaneously to the live physical audience as well. "I am very glad to see the Second Life portion of the iSummit grow," said Anna Berthold of iCommons, "with this series of initiatives that involve the residents in a more interactive fashion, we're looking forward to extending beyond what we've previously done in Second Life."

As it often happens with events that attract a wide audience, it could very well be that Japan Sapporo island is going to be filled with visitors. For this reason, an innovative SL2SL streaming solution has been set up, which enables participating lands to host windows to Japan Sapporo, and let their residents and visitors participate in Jimmy Wales' keynote, and other important iSummit events. Information about satellite locations, as well as programme details for the iSummit in Second Life will be posted on the iSummit website as they are confirmed.

About iCommons
Founded in 2005 and based in Johannesburg, South Africa, iCommons is an international non-profit organisation that works to grow the digital commons by providing a platform for international collaboration among commons-based communities.  "Our vision is of a world where there is widespread participation in global innovation, digital culture and knowledge-building initiatives based on equitable access to technology, education, science and culture," said Heather Ford, Executive Director of iCommons, "- a world where people are using the organising power of technologies and the spirit of the commons to work together to solve crucial global challenges."

iCommons hosts the annual iSummit to bring together open education, access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing and free culture communities from around the world to share best practices and discuss strategies towards the growth and enlivening of a global digital commons. The iSummit is an annual exploration of the emerging opportunities for co-ownership, co-creation and widespread distribution and sharing of knowledge, culture and creativity in the digital age.
For press related inquiries about the iSummit '08, please contact Stephanie Traynor, stephanie 'at icommons 'dot' org

For information about iSummit '08 in Second Life, please contact David Orban, david 'at' davidorban 'dot' com

Picture: Sapporo island in Second Life, by , CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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