Adam Haupt discusses corporations' tendencies to employ narrow understandings of IP to protect their own interests often at the expense of the public interest, and to the detriment, not only of innovation and creativity, but also of basic human rights and essential democratic values. He uses two case studies from South Africa: One involving a legal battle between culture jammers, Laugh It Off and South African Breweries, and the other a 'media moment' based on a stand-off between Wiley Publishers of "for Dummies" fame and newspaper, The Mail and Guardian. Find out more by watching this video here.
Jessica Powell presented the , a platform through which literacy organisations and teachers can connect and share best practices, tools, and information. She discusses the project in the context of the high illiteracy rate worldwide and looks at the challenges faced across this field, including Internet connectivity, new media literacy, cultural and language differences, as well as the innovative solutions and best practises that are helping more people read every day. Watch this video here.
Next up for release are the keynote addresses by Paul Keller and Hiroaki Kitano. We'll be sure to keep you posted through the iCommons mailing list, or subscribe to the RSS feeds for our video site.
Please note that if you were at the iSummit '08 in Sapporo and took film footage of any events or happenings, please share this footage on our summit video site at: http://video.icommonssummit.org
Also if you'd like to see the slide shows from all the keynote presentations, take a look at the , and once again, if you attended the event and presented in one of the labs, please share your presentations here too for those who couldn't make it to the event.
Picture: Adam Haupt at the iSummit '08, by , CC BY 2.0